
Privacy Policy

Attention Please read the following terms carefully before using this website. Using this website indicates that you have known and accepted these terms. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use this website.


This statement applies to the global Oravida website. Oravida respects and protects your personal privacy. This privacy treaty explains the company's information and data collection and use behavior. Once you visit this website, you indicate that you have agreed to the content of this privacy treaty. Please read the following terms carefully before using this website. Using this website indicates that you have known and accepted these terms. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use this website.

Personal Information

Under normal circumstances, you do not need to provide your name or other personal information to visit our Internet site. But sometimes we may need you to provide some information, for example, in order to process orders, contact you, provide services or process job applications. We may need this information to complete the processing of the above matters or provide better services. You can choose whether to join or not.

About the use of your information

Your information is only for the use of Oravida's internal or related parties.

Used to keep in touch with you to carry out customer satisfaction surveys, market research, or the processing of certain matters.

Used for the collection of company demand information feedback.

It is convenient for you to participate in various activities held on the Oravida website.

Used for your participation in the company's talent recruitment process.

Security of personal information

The information you provide on the company’s website will be strictly confidential, and the company is obliged to take appropriate security measures Protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.

About Cookies

When you visit this website, the company may store certain information in the form of "cookies" On your computer, "Cookie" is a small text file placed by the web server on your computer. "Cookie" cannot be used to run programs, nor will it spread viruses to your computer. The purpose of using "Cookie" is to provide you with a simple and time-saving function, but it does not mean that the company can automatically learn any personal information about you. You can choose to accept or reject "Cookies".

Links to non-Oravida company sites

This website may contain links to other sites. Responsible for content.

Modifications of this privacy treaty

The right to modify and interpret this privacy treaty belongs to our company. The company will update this treaty at any time and publish it. The updated content will take effect from the date of publication. Please visit it regularly for timely information.

Contact information

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact the company through the contact information on this website, the company Will do our best to solve it.